This is my crazy World!


I am a Scorpio
December 21, 2014

I am a Scorpio.

For almost 40 years I have lived it and breathed it. I have fought with the Scorpio nature’s extremes, tested the limits and have also fallen down many dark and murky abysses. I have hurt others and been hurt myself … over and over again.

I must admit … my nature is very emotional, and at times I am extremely sensitive. My parents provided me with genetics of a hard outer shell, and an inside that is vulnerable and soft, similar to my real world arthropod relatives. As a Scorpio I understand beyond what is on the surface of life and sometimes, it can be both a curse and a blessing.
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Two People in one Body
December 14, 2014

Two People in one Body

Throughout my life there are two people within me, struggling to be heard.

We all have regrets in our lives, and feel as though we could be someone different. When you look in the mirror, you see the person you are in the here and now.

But, do you see the person you wish you could be?

Perhaps you look in that mirror and you see the child you once were? You remember being a person filled with love, hope, and sensitivity? Or is the person looking back at you one who is filled with hate, guilt, and hardness?
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December 4, 2014

My Soulmate

I believe that every single person has one other person somewhere in the world that is destined to be with them forever, to complete them. Not especially in a romantic relationship, but rather in terms of a deep, true and lasting friendship.

Some people call this person a soulmate … and my blog post right here is something I’d like to dedicate to this special person who suddenly appeared in my life and whom I can hardly miss anymore. You can be sure, that there will always be a place for you in my heart and you will always be remembered!

There is this misconception that a soulmate is a person which brings you happiness. This is not necessarily the case. Rather, a soulmate is actually someone who is perfectly suited to you when it comes to assisting you in completing your spiritual journey.
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Cleaning out my Closet
December 2, 2014

I’m cleaning out my Closet

I must admit, I have a lot of respect for Eminem. His lyrics are hard and explicit at times, but honest and true to the bone. There are a couple of songs where he deals with different things. For example, in “Beautiful” he speaks about how hard, but also how important it is to be yourself. This article was heavily inspired by Eminem’s “Cleaning out my Closet” song, because in this song he raps about the struggles and hard times he went through in his life. And there were a lot of problems and setbacks.

So, I decided that this is the first Christmas/New Year’s Eve that I’ll be spending with cleaning out my own personal closet.
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Love or Lust
November 23, 2014

Love or Lust

Most people want to fall in love at some point in their life. While some already have that love, others are still looking for the person that will grab a hold of our hearts and never let it go.

But, sometimes, figuring out what is true love and what is actually lust can be difficult.

We are so happy with the way we are feeling that whatever it is does not matter much. This lack of caring can turn out to be a huge mistake, and you may even end up with a broken heart, especially if the person you love turns out to be all wrong for you. You may even develop a love for someone who does not feel the same or does not want to commit to a relationship.
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