I believe that every single person has one other person somewhere in the world that is destined to be with them forever, to complete them. Not especially in a romantic relationship, but rather in terms of a deep, true and lasting friendship.
Some people call this person a soulmate … and my blog post right here is something I’d like to dedicate to this special person who suddenly appeared in my life and whom I can hardly miss anymore. You can be sure, that there will always be a place for you in my heart and you will always be remembered!
There is this misconception that a soulmate is a person which brings you happiness. This is not necessarily the case. Rather, a soulmate is actually someone who is perfectly suited to you when it comes to assisting you in completing your spiritual journey.
Completing each other is the main job of a soulmate. Nobody is an island, and you and I are not meant to exist in this world on our own. In the quest to become our best selves, we need the assistance of someone who is perfectly suited to do the job of helping us. Of course, the process of sanding off those rough edges is not always pleasant, but totally worth it in the end. Trust me.
What loftier goal could there be than becoming the absolute best version of yourself possible? Well, having a soulmate by your side to help you accomplish that is one of the surest paths to getting there. Your soulmate pushes the boundaries of where you let yourself get complacent. They push you to accomplish things that you would never imagined possible on your own.
Again, eventhough there is the misconception that a soulmate relationship is recognized by the fact that everything is smooth sailing and happiness, that is certainly not always the case! In fact, it is not unusual at the start of this relationship for soulmates to be at each other’s throats. The reasoning for this is that there is such a powerful compulsion for them to be quite close to each other, and the melding process can be somewhat difficult.
And, at times it can seem like the two of you are not actually destined to be together, but then, there is always that moment when all of the disparate pieces of both of your lives click into place, and you can feel how right it is. Deep within your bones, you have a voice telling you that you are going in the right direction. Together.
Sometimes, a soulmate can come from the place that you least expect it. You simply have to be open to the universe and whatever it might bring. Additionally, it is important to listen to your instincts telling you that this relationship is of critical importance to you.
One of the main things that you need to do is forget all of your preconceived notions about what your perfect person will be like. Do not discount people based on physical characteristics. When looking for your ideal mate, there is no room for discrimination.
The truth is, the universe has a perfect person for you. For each one of us.
All you need to do is accept it.
When you can open yourself up to how the universe flows, then you will be in correct alignment, and your destined soulmate will appear to you.
You might think: How will I know when I have actually found my soulmate?
The answer is simple: You just do.
A strong force deep within your soul will let you know that this person is destined to be with you. Letting yourself trust that force is difficult, but necessary.
Many people believe that soulmates know each other from a previous life. The theory goes that soulmates are so drawn to each other because they have been important to each other in the past. They may not have been personally connected, but they were in the same realm. Many times people will find out that they went to the same high school and never knew each other.
Reality is, the universe was waiting until the perfect moment to bring them together.
Fate can’t be rushed.
If your soul is not prepared to receive your soulmate, you might not recognize him or her when they come along. It is important to be ready, and if you are not prepared, an immense opportunity could slip right through your fingers and a great chance is lost … maybe forever.
Sometimes, your soulmate appears to be almost psychically connected. This is because there is such a deep soul and heart bond.
There are no secrets from one another, because you empathize completely. You can feel what they are going through deep in your heart, and you know if things are going well, you know things are going badly, and nothing is more important to you.
It’s almost like you share the same set of emotions.
One of the other things that is generally true about soulmates is that they are intimately familiar with the other person’s personality.
Whether it is weaknesses or strengths, there is no hiding. Every part of our personality is critical to making up who we are. It doesn’t matter that some people might consider our quirks “flaws” … To our soulmate, each part is equally important. Your soulmate sees the best version of you, and they accept without shaming. They celebrate you for who you are. They don’t judge. They accept unconditionally.
Soulmates love to communicate … and the truth is, communication is very difficult! I have experienced this in the last two days. Being able to figure out what is on another person’s mind is never easy. Still, when two soulmates are on the same page, there is nothing more powerful.
It is important to keep in mind that just because two people are soulmates does not mean they are exactly the same.
In fact, many times they are quite different. The phrase opposites attract exists for a reason. Many times, soulmates can be on polar opposites of the personality spectrum. But the great thing is that the two people’s strengths and weaknesses generally complement each other. Of course, that does not mean you will always agree. You are two separate people and you need to respect that.
It is important to keep the lines of communication open. When an apology is called for, just make it. Don’t let pride get in the way of a good relationship. Even if you find it difficult to admit that you are wrong, you can simply say that you are sorry for having offended or hurt the other person.
Remember, you are two halves of the whole. Your soulmate is the Yin to your Yang. Where you are weak, he is strong. The opposite is also true. It takes both halves to make the whole. When both of you are in harmony, the melody is beautiful. You both need to be in strong positions, otherwise one overwhelms the other. That is not the goal.
When you are together, life feels perfect, and in fact, there is no place for you would rather be then together with your soulmate. Regardless of what happens during the day, all of life’s worries disappear when you see each other. Peace and joy overwhelm you. It is not even necessary to hash out the problems. Simply because the two of you are together, they seem less important.
This is why I know you are my soulmate.
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